Octopods allows you to connect a Telegram Bot to any HubSpot account.
Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot
1. This steps requires that you already have a Telegram user. If not, please use Telegram web or phone application to do so.
2. Then, to create a Telegram bot, you can follow these instructions in the Telegram docs. Summed up to:
Search for @BotFather in the chat search (Telegram's quirky name for their bot creation tool)
Click /start
In the text input, type /add to start the creation flow
BotFather will then prompt you to choose a username & public name for the bot.
3. Youโll get an access token from BotFather. This access token is all you need on the Telegram side (click on it to copy it to clipboard)
Step 2: Add Telegram channel
Head to Octopods dashboard & click on the Telegram channel
Step 3: Connect Telegram Bot
Enter the access token in the Octopods Telegram setup page. Click Activate Telegram Channel to complete the setup.
Step 4: Connect to HubSpot Inbox
Once done, choose the HubSpot Inbox you wish to activate the Telegram channel in.
Now your HubSpot Telegram integration is complete. You can start receiving and responding to your Telegram messages from HubSpot ๐