Note: This only applies to Vkontakte and No other channels support historical conversations.
What is a historical conversation?
With Octopods, you can connect your Intercom Workspace to any of the channels we support. You may have ongoing conversations with your followers/contacts on those channels before connecting them to Intercom. These are known as historical conversations.
Octopods will attempt to fetch a large portion of your historical conversations to the Intercom inbox as soon as you connect your channel. This is to provide you with as much context as possible to begin with.
Naturally, these conversations would also contain messages that were sent by you (historical replies) to your contact. However, we don't know which teammate in Intercom those messages should be mapped to.ย
By default, we map all of your historical replies to the Intercom teammate that created the connection in Octopods. This can be changed, as outlined below.
Remember, you can only set your default Intercom teammate for channels that support historical conversations: Vkontakte, and
This instructions below are for WhatsApp, but the same steps should work for the three channels listed above. Bear in mind that the new WhatsApp Business API does not support historical conversations.
1. Go to to your already connected channel and click on "Configure channel"
2. Choose your Intercom Teammate/Admin and then click on "Update configuration"
After doing that, all your future replies that are coming from historical conversations (or conversations where you replied from your phone) will appear created with your selected Intercom teammate/admin.