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Connect Twilio SMS to Intercom

How to connect Twilio SMS to Intercom with Octopods

Tarek Khalil avatar
Written by Tarek Khalil
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Create a Twilio account

First you’ll need to create a Twilio account. You’ll also need to buy a Twilio phone number which supports SMS.

Step 2: Copy Twilio settings to Octopods

2.1 Copy your Account SID and your Auth Token to the Octopods Twilio setup page.

2.2 From your Twilio phone number settings page copy your phone number and phone number SID to the Octopods Twilio setup page.

2.3 Once you've filled in the information in the Octopods Twilio setup page, click on Activate Twilio channel.

Step 3: Copy Octopods Webhook URL to Twilio phone number settings

After Step 2 is complete, a Webhook URL will be generated in your Octopods Twilio setup page. Copy this URL to your Twilio phone number settings page, in the “A message comes in” field.

Octopods Twilio setup page:

Twilio phone number settings page:

Step 4: Review your Octopods and Twilio settings

Ensure that you've followed the above steps carefully. This is what your configuration in Octopods should look like:


Now your Intercom Twilio integration is complete. You can start receiving and responding to your Twilio SMS messages from Intercom 🙌

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