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Last updated: 1 May, 2019

Tarek Khalil avatar
Written by Tarek Khalil
Updated over a week ago

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set a new standard for how companies use and protect EU citizens’ data. We welcome this law and believe in being transparent. 

At OCTOPODS SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, we have documented, updated our practices and protocols to ensure we are GDPR compliant.

Our vendors GDPR-compliancy

As we rely on (your) data from Intercom we need them and other vendors/subprocessors to be compliant. Below you'll find a list of sub-processors we utilize.

List of sub-processors we use:

  • Intercom (CRM, Messaging etc) - Octopods customer data only

  • Amazon Web Services, Inc. (Email and Infrastructure)

  • Datadog (Infrastructure monitoring & logging)

  • Sparkpost (Transactional emails) - Octopods customer data only

  • Stripe, Inc. (Payment processing) - Octopods customer data only

  • Functional Software, Inc. (Error reporting)

  • GitHub, Inc. (Source Code hosting)

  • Linear Orbit, Inc. (Issue management)

  • Slack (Chat)

  • Google (Docs)

What’s GDPR?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a new comprehensive data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It replaced existing EU Data Protection law to strengthen the protection of “personal data” and the rights of the individual. It's a single set of rules which govern the processing and monitoring of EU data.

Does it affect me? 

Yes, most likely. If you hold or process the data of an any person in the EU, the GDPR will apply to you, whether you’re based in the EU or not.

Let us know if there's things that are unclear by contacting us at

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