Octopods automatically tags your newly created Intercom conversations coming from a specific channel with the channel name. For example, this user reached out to us from Telegram and so the very first message in this conversation has a tag telegram
Types of tags
For most of the channels, the tag name is identical with the channel name, here is the list of all possible tags:
SMS Channels
Twilio has a tag twilio
Nexmo - nexmo
Textmagic - textmagic
MessageBird - messagebird
Africa's Talking - africas
Social Messaging Channels
Telegram - telegram
Line - line
WeChat - wechat
Viber - viber
Social Media Channels
Facebook messenger has a tag messenger
Instagram - instagram
Twitter - twitter
VKontakte - vkontakte - okru
WhatsApp tags slightly vary depending on your WhatsApp Business API provider:
Twilio has twilio_whatsapp
MessageBird - messagebird_whatsapp
and 360 Dialog and our legacy WhatsApp Web tagged as whatsapp
How to make the best out of this feature?
You can use it as one of the ways to understand where your contacts are coming from (along with Octopods CDAs and Octopods Intercom Inbox).
2. In reports you can filter your conversations based on the source channel to be able to gain a deeper understanding of conversation trends.
How to switch if off
In case you don't need this feature you can disable it in settings simply by switching it to "No".